Monday, November 17, 2008

A Good Weekend

We had such a nice weekend. On Saturday Matt & Krystal brought David (Daycare, as Morgan calls him) over to see us. My parents came over too, it was like a 3 in 1 visit, they got to see all of their (Colorado) grand kids. We had fun just hanging out. David has gained 1 pound in his 3 1/2 weeks.

On Sunday Morgan & I went to the Christmas Crafts & Food show at the convention center. We met Kelly and Hillori (Kelly's sister) down there. What a mad house. 9 aisles crammed full with people. We thought that maybe it wouldn't be so busy with the Broncos game on, we were wrong. But we had a lot of fun. There was some pretty neat stuff to see. A lot of good food too. Morgan tried some new things. She was so well behaved. She walked the whole time, and didn't complain about it once. In fact the only times she cried were when she had to quit looking at the trains, and when she lost her jellyfish toy, we found him and all was better. Then we saw Santa. And I mean just that, we saw him from a distance, not because there was a long line, but because Morgan didn't want to get near him. She liked looking at him, but that was it. Maybe next year I will get a Santa picture.
When it was time to leave, Morgan got upset but then said, "Can I go home and watch shows and Cars?" so she was okay.

I came home planning on making pj pants for the kids, but that didn't happen. I instead played on the computer and watched the race. So today I am going to make checkbook covers for the craft show my Mom is doing this weekend, and then I will work on the pants. I am excited about the pants. I found the cutest fabrics for them. Come back later for pictures.

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